Tiffany Guevara

🌻Contact, Rates, Sample Work, & Rules🌻

⛅️Hello! Thank you for choosing me as your illustrator! You will find my sample work, terms of service, and pricing in the buttons below!⛅️

❁ Contact me via email or Direct Message me below ❁

Artwork & Designs © 2022 Tiffany Guevara @tiffm103
All rights reserved
Characters & relevant concepts in fanart pieces belong to their respective owners.

❁ Rules & Policies ❁

Click on Images to Enlarge!

  • Payment is upfront and only in USD.

  • Please tag me if you want to repost a commissioned work on social media.

  • Commercial/Licensed work will be priced differently (To be discussed before starting a commission) This will usually be priced 2x the amount for digital merch, or 3x the amount for physical merchandise.

  • Additional characters will cost more! (see pricing)

  • Do you draw in other styles? I am open to drawing in different styles!

  • ALL ownership belongs to me the artist, I am NOT interested in NFTs. The client does not have the right to claim themselves as the creator of my art.

Artwork & Designs © 2022 Tiffany Guevara @tiffm103
All rights reserved
Characters & relevant concepts in fanart pieces belong to their respective owners.

❁ Sample Work and Rates ❁

Click on images to enlarge!
❁ Style B: Grainy Pencil / Short Animation ❁

❁ EXAMPLE YT thumbnails/animation ❁

❁ Style A: Smooth ❁

Click on Images to Enlarge!

Illustration TypesPrice
Chibi Character (Style A or B)75~100+ USD
Regular size character (Style A or B)100+USD Prices vary depending on complexity to be discussed with me!
Thumbnail (Youtube)100+ USD Depending on complexity
Twitter/Twitch Banner75+ Prices will vary based on Complexity
Add ons!Price
Simple Animated GIF+45~ (Depends on complexity!)
Additional character:+20~ USD
Specific Background+25~ USD
Simple Color BackgroundFree!
  • Artwork should be for personal use ONLY! Unless paid for commercial/license :)!

  • Currently, I will only be accepting 3 commission slots at a time!

  • Commissions take usually about one to two weeks depending on the complexity, and my life workload!

  • Additional characters and background prices may fluctuate based on the complexity of the character design / background complexity! To be discussed with me!

  • ALL ownership belongs to me the artist, I am NOT interested in NFTs. The client does not have the right to claim themselves as the creator of my art.

Artwork & Designs © 2023 Tiffany Guevara @tiffm103
All rights reserved
Characters & relevant concepts in fanart pieces belong to their respective owners.